Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I am been lackadaisical about this season of idol. However I would like to point out from EARLY on I was a fan of Crystal Bowersox and Lee DeWyze (especially when people were haters). Granted we won't find out who is going to the finale until tonight, but I would be SHOCKED if it's not a Crystal/Lee Finale. Last night Lee "BROUGHT IT" I thought. He finally seems comfortable on stage. I really liked both "Simple Man" and "Hallelujah." I think my overall favorite Lee performance was "Beast of Burden." My favorite Crystal performance was "Me and Bobby McGee" and I also really liked her Hollywood round songs of "Natural Woman" and "If It Makes You Happy."

If it's these two I think it will be a good finale and I'd like to see a Bowersox victory.

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