Monday, July 27, 2009

Tall Ireland Improv

I'm pretty pleased with the random title of my post, but really it isn't random since I wanted to quickly write about all three.

Most of you probably know that I am self conscious about my height...yes I know that's weird, but I have a "Jesse Spano Complex." Anyway I just saw this posted on facebook and I though it was interesting. Conan O'Brien: "A study shows that tall people perform better than short people at their jobs. That is, unless, your job is making cookies in a tree." I actually googled this and it's true. Tall people are better workers, are more likeable, seen as more powerful and make more money. AWESOME! I just still hate that I'm the same height as "average American males."

I have been itching to travel outside of the US for quite sometime and even have made it a New Years Resolution this year to get my passport (which I haven't done YET, but I plan to do once the school year starts up). There are tons of places I want to go, but I really want to make sure I hit up the countries of my own nationalities - Czech Republic/Slovakia, Italy and Ireland. After watching the movie PS I Love You again this weekend (after seeing the Ugly Truth with yummy Gerard Butler) I decided I want to hit up Ireland first. My goal is to travel to Ireland by my 27th birthday - so that gives me a little over a year. I am going to do all the research and then hope some friends would be able to join me for the trip. I thinking Thanksgiving/Christmas/St. Pattys(Spring Break)/My Birthday next year. I know friends are interested so I pumped, I want to make this happen and know that once I pop my "overseas cherry" I'm going to be doing A LOT MORE traveling!

Lastly I met with a startup Improv Troupe in the next town over last night. I had NO IDEA what to expect and I was pleasantly surprised. They just formed earlier this summer and are still looking for members. There are 4 solid people at the moment and they were awesome. We played improv games for 2 hours last night and it was great. I'm really stoked to see where this goes.

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